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  • Writer's pictureKalle Lintinen

The Spacetime Tetragon

 If you’ve been reading more of my posts, you might notice that the topics of the posts do not follow a straight line. Rather, each post explores an idea that was sparked either by a previous post, or by the frustration of not finding a logical next step from the previous post. In this post I take continue from my last post, exploring the idea that elementary particles of energy (dots) must be reflected as pairs into the same general direction, rather than the pair revolving around each other.


However, when I started thinking about how to express this idea, I realized that this is the sort of geometrical problem I had been exploring almost a year ago. I was on a intensive hunt to explain the complex geometry of what I then thought was refraction, but after over a month, I reached a point of ‘final post, after which I just started to look at the problem of the Theory of Everything from a completely different angle. One might even say that I abandoned the idea for almost a year. In my last post on the vector description of refraction I said:

And despite the snail’s pace, I’m still making progress. I don’t know how close I am. I feel like I’m in a real-life Zeno’s paradox. I’m constantly getting closer to the truth, but each step seems to be half as long as the previous one. Let’s just hope I’ll reach the finishing line at some point.


Well, only after I realized that refraction was too vague a concept and that I would need to explore reflection, could I return to this abandoned concept. Before I thought that the movement of dots is in curved orbitals, meaning that the path cannot be spliced into vectors of discreet size. However, now that I know that curves don’t exist, I can easily convert the path of a dot from one reflection to another into a tangible vector. The vector begins at a specific point in space and time and ends in a specific point in space and time. This means that the vector exists in spacetime. Without time, the location of the dot would just be a dimensionless point in space. With time, the dimensionless point becomes a two-dimensional arrow.


If we just consider a pair of dots in neighboring helices to always have the same distance upon reflections (green cylinder in the video below) and the direction being traveled being the same (depicted in purple arrows in the video), we get a rather interesting tetragon, where the dots begin on one circular plane and are transferred to another circular plane.

The above video is more of a teaser of an idea that is much too complex to expand in today’s post. Or more specifically, I don’t know much more about it myself at the moment. I’ll need to learn more about the idea to write the next post. However, I’m feeling quite excited about all of this. I’d be surprised if I weren’t at least roughly correct with this idea.




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