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  • Writer's pictureKalle Lintinen

The Importance of Angular Velocity

My post for today is a trip back to basics. After realizing that there are three types of dots in orbit of the Higgs helix, I realized that I had to rethink the concept of refraction through angular velocity. As I said in my last post, only one quarter of the elementary particles of energy (dots) in orbit keep a constant distance from the center of the Higgs helix (yellow sphere in below image). This also means that one quarter of the dots directly rotate the constant dot (blue sphere). This also means that half the dots are locked between the constant and rotating dots at a middle distance (green spheres).

“So, what about angular velocity?”, you say. Well, when the blue dot is as far away from the center of the Higgs helix, it will only rotate around the y axis, which means that it has a vector of velocity parallel to the z axis and no rotational component around the z axis (i.e. no curved arrow). By the way, I exaggerate the secondary rotational component, so it’s easier to follow the logic. In reality these arrows would be extremely small. However, as the angular velocity of the yellow dot is the same as the blue dot, this means that the distance that the yellow dot moves around the y axis in a given time is a bit smaller than for the blue dot. However, as each dot always moves at the speed of light, this means that the yellow dot has to have a rotational component around the z axis, so that its overall distance traveled is the same as that for the blue dot. And what about the green dots? They travel a longer distance around the y axis than the yellow dot, but a shorter distance than the blue dot. This means that they also have a rotational component around the z axis between that of the blue and yellow dots.


And zooming into the dots (ignoring the center point), the movement of the dots looks like this:

Except, if we think about this a bit more deeply, even at the farthest point, the blue dot must rotate around the yellow dot. This means that if we draw a circle around the new location of the yellow dot with a radius of 2r, this means that the new location of the blue dot must be either on the ring (assuming yellow and blue dots travel the same distance along the z axis), or more correctly the new location of the blue dot is inside the ring, as the dots don’t travel the same distance.

While this would be the more accurate representation of the interlinked rotation, let’s follow the simplified image for clarity’s sake.


So, what happens when the blue dot is closer to the center than the yellow dot?

Its component of secondary rotation has to be larger than that of the yellow dot. And again, the secondary rotation of the green dots needs to be somewhere between the blue and yellow dots.


All of this is quite a clear indication that it should be rather easy to describe the movement of the yellow dots, whereas the description of the movement of the blue and green dots requires a lot of work.


Actually, writing these ideas down has been very helpful, because I’ve already identified a bunch of errors in my logic. If I had more willpower, I’d correct all the errors I’ve identified in the pictures of this post. However, I’ll let you, dear reader to identify as many of them as you can.


And despite the snail’s pace, I’m still making progress. I don’t know how close I am. I feel like I’m in a real-life Zeno’s paradox. I’m constantly getting closer to the truth, but each step seems to be half as long as the previous one. Let’s just hope I’ll reach the finishing line at some point.

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