In today’s post on my quest to explain the Theory of Everything with the reflections of elementary particles of energy (dots), I’ve decided to just expand my previous post on constructing reflection. In that post I showed that I didn’t really need to invent anything new to fit the grazing rings to the unit cell of reflection.
In my last post I just showed a single pair of grazing rings fitted to the unit cell of reflection (on the top). While this was a good start, this left the shape lopsided. For the unit cell to be accurate, it requires a second pair of grazing rings (on the bottom). Only when you combine the two pairs, will you actually be able to see the reflected path of dots. So, this is what I did today. Bellow you see the shape with the reflected paths, rotating:
Or can you really see the reflection? My claim is that with this resolution, you can’t really distinguish reflection from any errors in drawing the shape. Rather, you see the effects of reflection indirectly. Or more specifically, what I thought to be reflection wasn’t reflection.
Ok, let me clarify. The problem is best seen in the y-z projection. Do you see the green vectors inside the green ellipses? Those are the grazing paths of dots. Next, you can look at the connection point between two ellipses. The whole reflection can be seen in the shift in angle between the two vectors in the neighboring ellipses. Even though I know these two vectors should be at an angle, I can’t really see this angle, even though I know it exists, because of the way that I’ve built the shape.
And the case is even ‘worse’ in the x-z projection below. You see the grazing vectors in the almost ring-shaped ellipses? There should be no reflection visible in this projection, as all of the reflection is along the y-axis, which is hidden in this projection.
And below is the x-y projection. This shape shows the tilting of neighboring pairs of grazing rings best. However, this tilting isn’t the same as reflection.
So, what does this shape and its projections mean? I guess the question doesn’t make sense. The shape means that this is what reflection of energy looks like on the level of dots. Or at least does, if I’m correct.
Next, there are two options. Either a) I’ll find the suitable equations describing reflection very soon and I’ll be able to rewrite the Theory of Everything -manuscript based on these, or b) the equations don’t make any sense and I’ll have to get back to the drawing board. I’m hoping for option a), but option b) is still very much possible.