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  • Writer's pictureKalle Lintinen

Present and Future Particles

It seems as if I was procrastinating, writing these short posts about every small step of improvement to my Theory of Everything, based on the reflection of elementary particles of energy (dots). However, it seems that when I write about what I’ve found, the process of writing the results down helps me clear my head for the next step.


So, today I return to the concept of future particles. Back a bit over a month ago, when I got the idea of a future particle, the idea was still quite vague and mostly related to reflections. However, the concept of the future particle is useful not just to describe reflections, but also to describe ‘brushes’, or the events where two dots pass each other without reflecting.


What this means in practice is that one can describe both the present particles on a circular plane of reflection, as well as the next particles in line coming to the plane. In the below image, the yellow and blue solid spheres are connected with a vertical green rod with a length of two radii of dots. However, that rod does not connect the dots to the center of the circular plane of reflection. Rather, the center is offset a bit, also meaning that the radius of the circle is slightly larger than the radius of two dots. Without explaining how, you can also draw two future dots into the image, where the vector connecting the ‘brushing’ pair is located orthogonally to the vector connecting the reflecting particles. However, to be specific, the future particles do not lie on the same circular plane of reflection as the reflecting particles, as the ‘radius of brushing’ is exactly twice the radius of a dot. In the below image this second circle is 1.5 % smaller than the circle of reflection, meaning that it’s hard to even see that there are two circles

So, if the above is what a single plane of present and future particles looks like, how do they connect with each other? The answer is: “with multiple vectors.” In reality there are two vectors connecting present dots to their future dots and two vectors connecting future dots to their far-future dots (as well as to their present dots, but those vectors face in the reverse direction), as well as one vector connecting the only two neigboring dots that reflect between the two planes, as well as a vector that connects the centers of the circular planes of reflection. In the below image you can see all of the other vectors, but not the ones connecting future particles to the present and far-future.

And here is the same image viewed from the side:

And last, but not least, the image rotating: 

It surely seems that I’m getting to the finishing line of this puzzle. Next, I need to do is to connect the future particles to their past and far-future. If I’m able to do this, I think I should be able very rapidly describe these connections with vectors and proper equations that I can put into Excel. It’s been almost a year since I last tried to do this. Back then I got stuck and just tried to tackle the problem by other means. However, this time things should be different. This time the shape is actually based on an actual interaction: reflection!




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