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  • Writer's pictureKalle Lintinen

Don’t Disturb My Circles

In my last post I presented version 0 of the new postulates for the Theory of Everything. I call them version 0, because they aren’t the final postulates. Rather they are an ok approximation of the postulates.


Let’s recap where I got to:

1.       There are only elementary particles of energy, henceforth named dots.

a.       They are spherical.

b.       All of them have the same diameter.

c.       All of them move at the speed of light.

2.       Dots in contact experience the conservation of parallel motion.

a.       The parallel motion is the component of motion that is parallel with all its surrounding dots.

3.       Dots in contact experience the reflection of non-parallel motion.

a.       This means that the direction of the non-parallel motion is constantly reversed.

b.       When there are more than one adjacent dots, the reflection is around two axes orthogonal to each other

c.       Reflection around two axes cause helical motion. In light moving in a refractive medium, the helical motion propagates around a linear path. In matter, the path of dots can be described as two entangled toroidal helices.


So, what is the matter? I don’t think the postulates in segment 3 about non-parallel motion are ready. They might not be exactly wrong, but they are still too vague to apply to the curved motion of dots. I need to be able to illustrate what happens first in 2D projections and ultimately with 3D images.


I think I finally have the answer to how reflection results in a rotating motion of pairs of dots. It all boils down to circles, circular arcs and lines. The image below should clarify the mechanism.

In the image you see the central circles (blue and yellow) that depict dots that are reflected by two surrounding dots. You also have peripheral circles that are only reflected by one neighboring dot. In real life all of the circles are reflected by one more circle not in this plane, but this can be ignored for now.


The reflection in the center causes the non-parallel movement of the dots to be reflected towards the periphery (obviously). However, not necessarily intuitively, the reflections in the periphery cause all circles to be reflected inwards. Not only the central or peripheral circles, but all circles. The magic comes from the sum effect of the central and peripheral reflections. When the magnitude of the central reflection towards the periphery is double the peripheral reflection towards the center, this means that the peripheral circles move towards the center and the central circles move towards the periphery.


While this is still a simplification, and involves a bit of hand-waving, it nevertheless is the basis of how reflection is the source of rotational motion in dots.


I honestly have to say that before starting to write this post, I thought that reflection worked differently. Only when I created the image above, I realized that I had been wrong. Initially, I had thought that the reflection in the peripheral points of reflection must be a mirror image for the central and peripheral circles. That is, the idea I had was that the peripheral circles would be reflecting outwards. You might still ponder about this after reading this post. I will leave it as an exercise for you to figure out why this isn’t so.

And finally, why did I name this post the way I did?  Do not disturb my circles is what Archimedes, the famous ancient Greek mathematician, physicist, engineer (etc.) was said to have uttered as his last words before being killed. While I don’t anticipate being killed, the reference to circles was too good to miss.

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