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  • Writer's pictureKalle Lintinen

The Proper Postulates (version 0)

It has been close to two years since I talked in my post on Pesky Postulates about Bertrand Russel and his quest to minimize the number of axioms and postulate: the assumptions.


Back then, I had very little understanding about the interaction of the elementary particles of energy (dots), even though I knew that the Theory of Everything was only about them, and nothing else.


I took a crack at defining the basic postulates of physics, but really in hindsight the effort was rather half-baked. While the postulates began logically, by defining what a dot is, the rest of the postulates were rather hand-wavy. This is because I didn’t really understand how dots would result in the formation of light and matter.


Rather, it’s been a quest of over two years in understanding what the postulates for all physical interactions are. And while I can say that I’m quite close to being able to define all of the postulates, I have to be honest that I’m not 100 % there yet. However, I already have a basic sketch of roughly what the postulates (or axioms) should be.


Here is what I’ve come up with:


1.       There are only elementary particles of energy, henceforth named dots.

a.       They are spherical.

b.       All of them have the same diameter.

c.       All of them move at the speed of light.

2.       Dots in contact experience the conservation of parallel motion.

a.       The parallel motion is the component of motion that is parallel with all of its surrounding dots.

3.       Dots in contact experience the reflection of non-parallel motion.

a.       This means that the direction of the non-parallel motion is constantly reversed.

b.       When there are more than one adjacent dots, the reflection is around two axes orthogonal to each other

c.       Reflection around two axes cause helical motion. In light moving in a refractive medium, the helical motion propagates around a linear path. In matter, the path of dots can be described as two entangled toroidal helices.


I already know that these aren’t the final version of the postulates.  In the end they devolve into a vague mess that still requires untangling. However, from them, you can see the inklings of what the final postulates should look like.


I’m also working on some sketches that will eventually accompany the final postulates: but unfortunately, they’re not ready enough for this post. So, instead I give you a gratuitous picture of Bertrand Russel with a light bulb -moment.


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