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  • Writer's pictureKalle Lintinen

Bad Vibrations

For some time, I’ve had a rather negative view on the whole concept of vibrations in physics. Not because I would not believe vibrations to play a significant role in certain physical phenomena. Rather, I’ve become convinced that true vibrations are a phenomenon that take place in solids. Conversely, vibrations in liquids, gases and on the quantum level are not what the conventional interpretation of wave equations implies.

The classical (at least for a chemist) example is the vibrational spectrum of water. The idea is that the observed peaks in the electromagnetic absorption spectrum of water relate to collision events of individual molecules. Hence, these events are described as vibrations. You see a couple of Wikipedia examples below.

So, am I saying that these vibrations do not exist? Well, only to an extent, yes I do. I am saying that what actually takes place is that these are not actually vibrations, but permanent stretches or bends relating to the supramolecular shell of water. So, the equations match and the video more or less matches in what takes place when the said quantum state form, but what isn’t true is that the movement continues once the quantum state has formed.

I’m a bit hesitant to use the phrase quantum state, as this easily gives the impression that we’re not talking about something understood by common sense. You can consider a ‘perfect solid’ a state where the molecule are aligned into linear rods, packed tight. However, this would require the molecules to form a perfect single crystal. Such crystals are possible, but they need to be specifically ‘tricked’ into forming such crystals. My own experience of the attempt to form single crystals of my molecules was through a friend of a friend, Rakesh. I sent him samples, he tried to use his magic, but no single crystals were formed. I have a strong hunch that the chemistry I was using ‘solidified’ the so-called vibrational states, making single crystal formation impossible.

So, what do these vibrations look like? If you consider linearly bonded water molecules to be a rod, what happens if the rods is bent? The bond stretches symmetrically. Thus, the stretched state are the water molecules stretched into a supramolecular shell, where each molecule is stretched to the level accurately described by the existing theory. With the exception that the stretching isn’t vibration and doesn’t describe a single molecule, but each molecule in the supramolecular shell.

And the bending vibration? While the primary supramolecular shell are two spherical shells, the interstitial space between these supramolecular shells is filled with fractally smaller supramolecular shells that have to deform to fit between the primary supramolecular shells. This deformation of the shell is seen in the physical bending of the bond.

The whole concept requires quite a bit of math to make proper sense of. Suffice it to say that the absorption peaks of water reflect the exact sizes of the supraphotons that are trapped by these physical quantum states. I tried to do the rough mathematics of matching the sizes of these quantum states to physical entities a while back but gave up because I felt my time could be better used on other aspects of the developing theory. Perhaps I’ll return to it at some point.

What the above example illustrates is that for anything that is not a solid, vibration is a poor term for real phenomenon. I’m not at all sure whether the other instance of vibrations can be explained by a similar case of a stretching or bending of an orbital, or something a bit different. However, if the orbital consists of Planck spheres, or dots, moving at the speed of light, there really doesn’t seem to be any way to have permanent vibrations for any equilibrium state. Where vibration seem to still play a part are collisions, where the equilibrium state is momentarily disrupted. A bit like a musician plucking a string of a guitar.

To my understanding the whole string theory arose from the interpretation of quantum events as vibrations. The problem come when one doesn’t realize that the equilibrium state is the movement of dots at a regular orbital at the speed of light and the quantum event being such where the original orbital is somehow disrupted: i.e. a quantum pluck. This causes the otherwise slightly curved trajectory to veer of course and move at a vibrating motion, but still at the speed of light, for the duration of the quantum event. I wouldn’t thus rule out the vibrations altogether from string theory. However, they should be rather seen as the exception, rather than the rule.

The big problem comes from the misunderstanding of the mass–energy equivalence: the idea that there is transformation of energy to mass, whereas the only real difference between matter and light is whether the orbital is knotted or not. When an orbital is knotted, the equilibrium state is such where the dots move tangentially to the orbital, whereas for an unknotted ring, or a supraphoton, the movement of the dots is perpendicular to the plane of the ring.

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