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  • Writer's pictureKalle Lintinen

A Sneak Preview on the Mathematics of the Theory of Everything

It’s been a long time (almost a month) since I last posted anything on my quest for the theory of everything. The reason isn’t that I haven’t found anything interesting or that I would be stuck. Almost the reverse. As I finally know how the elementary particles of energy are arranged in matter, I have had a clear goal in defining the structure of matter based on the geometry of moving spring of the spherical ‘dots’.

This task has been laborious, but just as long as I’ve put time and effort into it, the effort has paid off. First I wrote the revision of the manuscript that was already being peer-reviewed up to the point where I was more or less in my blog posts, I realized that I had to describe the geometry of the double-helical coiling of the elementary particles.

This proved not to be a walk in the park. Firstly, I had to simplify my approach. Thus, instead of working with solid spheres, I changed the spheres to vectors. This approach was possible, as the distance between the centers of two dots is always equal when they touch. Thus, the vector is always the same length and defines the spatial arrangement of the dots.

Then, one can make the assumption that the dots always form the smallest possible plane with three dots touching each other. But the trick is that there is a second plane ‘infinitely’ close to the first plane, with two of the dots shared by the planes. What this means is that that the whole double-helical array of dots can be described as an origami of triangles.

So, this is what I’m currently working on. It’s not ready yet, but it’s progressing well indeed. While in my previous posts I said that to figure out the theory of everything, just high school mathematics is enough, this isn’t exactly the whole truth. While the basic principles don’t require fancy mathematics, describing the double-helical twisting is a bit more challenging.

Above you can see the arrangement of vectors, the definition of their relations and mathematical operations required to allow a program, such as Matlab, or in my case Excel (not the perfect tool, but you can make it work) to crunch the coordinates of each dot.

So, this is what I’m currently doing. Catching up on matrices and vectors. Something I had studied over twenty years ago and which I thought I might never need. But there you have it: wait for long enough and even the more esoteric studies might come in handy. Although vectors and matrices aren’t too esoteric for a lot of engineers. They just weren’t relevant for what I’d been doing before.

I won’t be telling too much about the details in this post. This is mostly because I have way too much data to go through. If I manage to apply the above equations to plot the dots in a toroidal helical arrangement, I’ll probably have that as my next post. But I’m really excited about what I’ve already done. This is the first time anyone has tried to describe the structure of strings with dot-by-dot precision. Granted, in M-theory the strings are so abstract that you couldn’t even get to that level. But before this post I had only really tried to explain the fine structure of light and charged particles. This is this first attempt to describe the fine structure of uncharged matter, or the matter which probably makes up the vast majority of all matter, dark matter included.

The accompanying picture could even be fully correct, but there’s a decent chance it still holds plenty of errors. But if it is correct, this is how all interactions with matter will have to be studied, if one wishes to be precise. You can get pretty far with approximate tools, such as the wave equation, but one should not assume that they represent reality in the deepest sense.

Actually, I’m not even convinced that the wave equation will be computationally easier, once the double-helical origami of dots is properly described with exact mathematics. Whether I’ll be able to finalize the math’s isn’t clear to me. However, once I’ve figure out the basic principle, anyone with some knowledge in mathematics should be able to relatively easily build upon this foundation.

And once I’ve figured out the math’s, I should finally be able to finish the manuscript. And funnily enough, some of the things that I emphasized in my original manuscript, I’ll probably relegate to the supplementary information, because this rigorous mathematical approach is just so much more convincing. But I’ll still include much of the more hypothetical work in the supplementary information, because it’s still valuable. It will just not be under as much scrutiny as the main text.

And is a final point to conclude to teaser post, I’ll just have to say “mathematics is fun!”. As Richard Feynman said in a famous interview, there’s a pleasure in finding things out. And finding it through rigorous mathematics is extremely satisfying. No one will say “you’re making too large of an assumption there”. If you can prove things step-by-step with mathematics, you can be pretty much sure that you’re right, just as long as the starting postulates are correct.

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