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  • Writer's pictureKalle Lintinen

You Cannot Push a Piece of String

After my last post I had an epiphany. And it is as simple as epiphanies go, which is that you cannot push a piece of string. The sentence might sound really odd but will hopefully soon become clear. I was wondering how the helical motion of light somehow transmutes to the rotation of circular piece of a string of dots. The whole idea just seemed to not make enough sense. I could sense there was something off but couldn’t really figure out exactly what it was.

Then it hit me but not in one go. First of all I had an idea that the electron should be a toroidal helix, or a horn torus. This way the quantum of light absorbed by a Van der Waals molecule could coil into closed packages of energy. At first the quantum of light (the supraphoton) would be absorbed by the whole Van der Waals molecule, but would in the process split into electrons. Exactly what else is going on, is a bit unclear and how many turns in the helix there are in an electron need a bit more work.

While I was pondering about the nature of the coiling of light in the phenomenon of its absorption by matter, I suddenly realized that matter isn’t comprised of circular arcs of dots in the end either. The concept of circular arcs of dots would require that each dot would ‘actively’ push the dot in front of if aside. This whole concept of pushing dots had troubled be before, but I couldn’t see any other way for the atomic orbital to be comprised of circular arcs, apart from the dots pushing each other.

What I realized that just like when light moves in a medium with a high refractive index, the surroundings of the dots lead them to move in a helical path. But the helical path here is not tangential to the string, but perpendicular. That is, the two dots surround each dot prevent the dots moving in a straight line, but rather the dots move in a direction that it won’t ever push against the neighboring dots. This means that the dots impart absolutely no force on their neighbors, at least not in the conventional sense of force. The only action is hindrance by geometry.

But I don’t have a good idea of the inner refractive index of an atom, or whether the concept even applies. However, it does seem that that the atomic orbital is sort of a gamma-ray laser. That is, experimental evidence indicate that in nuclear reactions the electromagnetic radiation emitted are gamma rays. And as far as I understand, coherence (the fundamental feature of lasers) is the supraphotons of light being emitted back-to-back.

Now that I have the concept that the dots never have to push each other, even in a atomic orbital, the Van der Waals molecule becomes really complex and simple at the same time. This means that in the smallest level, the dots are present as coherent gamma rays. In the medium level of atoms/molecules, gamma rays twist into the now often repeated orbital (also below).

And then the third level is that of a Van der Waals molecule itself, with multiple loops of molecules looped into to spherical surfaces. And that’s it. Problem solved; case closed!

But is it really? Are there any skeletons in the closet? Unknown unknowns? Well, of course there are, but after this final revelation, these are to some extent minor details (famous last words). Until I realized there was a finer structure behind the H2 orbital with four loops, I felt much more compelled to explain to explain things I didn’t really understand.

Now I feel a bit more relaxed in not trying to combine the three levels of mathematics behind the Van der Waals molecule. While at the same time, it seems clear that all, or at least most, of the solutions lie in solving the math’s, it seems ok not to try to solve them in the single counterevidence paper.

While all of this is positive for the counterevidence paper being finally accepted, this also means I need to rewrite it for the umpteenth time.

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