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  • Writer's pictureKalle Lintinen

What is an Atom?

After showing a rather convincing (to myself) model of a water vapor donut-tube and introducing the notion of stretching and compressing a spherical orbital into a spheroid orbital (both prolate and oblate), I started wondering, whether I can show the water molecule using helices.

My immediate reaction was that water is too difficult to begin with. I need a simpler molecule. Of course I had already introduced the hydrogen molecule (H) and it’s bonding into supramolecular structures in the Theory of Everything -manuscript. Here:

However, the H molecule is too simple. I need to introduce other atoms apart from hydrogen. The next level of complication is to add a neutron into the atom and use a deuterium:

However, deuterium is just an isotope of hydrogen, so that’s not really that good either.

So this led me to revisit the question: ”What is an atom?” Well, hydrogen is an atom but only one of many. What does a more complex atom look like? The next atom on the periodic table is helium. Already almost exactly a year ago I introduced my guess on the structure of helium, which (when adapted to the structures formed with the double helical equations would look like this:

Except the double helical equations indicate a different direction of movement for the elementary particles of energy (dots), which makes the above structure impossible, as this arrangement would cause a head-on-collision with the dots of the fused orbitals. So, the above structure has to be amended a bit.

When adding arrows to the structure, indicating the direction of movement, it’s possible to align two deuterium orbitals side by side, so that the direction of movement matches, like this:

Except, in the above image the curves don’t seem to be aligning properly.

So, I ended up trying to match the two orbitals above together and figured that the most likely structure where the curves match is this:

Here the two orbitals are stacked with one on top of the other but rotated by 45 degrees around their common axis.

This solution is still quite confusing to me, as I was always under the impression that this back-to-back shape is reserved for chemical bonds. However, there might be a solution. It can be that the deuterium molecule (D₂) is bonded with a single arc, while in a helium atom both arcs of the above structure are bonded.

So, separating the arcs from each other, we get the deuterium molecule:

And the helium atom:

To be frank, I’m still quite confused with this. I’m reluctant to say that I’ve solved the puzzle of the bonds within atoms. The comical thing is that using the word bond to describe what is taking place within atoms is a bit heretical. So, I have to tread very carefully.

The probability that I’m still wrong in some fundamental way is still relatively high. However, I’ve found that the best way to progress further is to make an bold claim and then try to figure out whether I was right or wrong. Currently the jury is still out.

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