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  • Writer's pictureKalle Lintinen

Vectors, Rings and Spheres

In my ongoing quest to build the Theory of Everything upon the reflection of elementary particles of energy (dots), I’ve once again made a new discovery. Or more specifically, I found an error in the Shape of Reflection, which lead to a rediscovery of an idea that I had already had.


This idea is that there are no three-body reflections. Or at least there are no reflections with three bodies outside the saint Hannes knot. This sounds like a confusing statement. Very confusing, if this is the first post of mine that you’re reading, but slightly confusing, even if you’re a regular reader.


You see, for a long time I’ve claimed that what causes a curved orbital in particles of matter is the collision of an elementary particle of energy with two (or more) other dots at once. However, when I tried to represent this idea with bent cones of reflection, I realized there was still something fishy with the idea. I entertained low-level speculations for some time, but only when I started fitting vectors into spheres with rings, I realized that there was no way that the reflection would be with more than two dots.


The smoking gun can be seen in the below image with all the vectors combined. The blue and yellow vectors are unfortunately now completely mixed, but they represent the actual contacts between dots. The purple vectors depict the movement of dots in space over time. And finally, the green vector depicts the point where the yellow and blue dots, moving in different directions graze each other (that is, they sort of touch, but aren’t reflected). As the green vectors have a length of exactly double the diameter of a dot (2r), this means that the distance between the yellow and blue dots is more than 2r at the points of reflection. This is actually a rather intuitive realization: as the two dots aren’t moving parallel to each other, their distance must increase after grazing.

And this what the above model looks like when it’s rotating:

You can clearly see that the model is still rough and consists of four identical shapes just roughly fitted together in Blender. Next, I need to convert the idea to projections (xy, xz and yz, as always) so that I can get all of the mathematical principles sorted out.


As I’ve said many times during these past months, it seems that I’m getting closer and closer to the final solution. However, there’s always something surprising coming up, so I couldn’t say whether we’re talking about days, weeks, months or even years to reach the final solution. I feel so confident that I wouldn’t rule out it taking just days. If I were a guessing man, I’d wager that it’ll take less than a month to get the accurate equations that allows me to plot the accurate shape of reflection with excel.




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