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  • Writer's pictureKalle Lintinen

Untangling a Fuzzy Sphere into a Neat Double-Helical Cord

After figuring out the equations for the electron, I started playing around with the constants to see what I would get and then it hit me: anything smaller than a hydrogen molecule is a single string looped into a spinning sphere. I’m not sure whether I’ll be able to explain it clearly but at least I’ll give it a try.

I’ll begin with an illustration. Just fooling around I made a helix where the height of each turn and the number of turns were so large that when bending it 720 degrees, I got a donut. However, this time I kept the growth rate be non-zero and I got a really wonky shape, that was clearly out of equilibrium.

I realized that the growth rate (G) is made non-zero, by the tension of the string being folded into a sphere. However, when the string forms a donut, there is no tension, and G equals zero and we get this:

And this zero-tension state has a charge of zero.

Then it hit me: a proton has a positive charge, so it is an otherwise identical sphere of strings, but with just the opposite twist to the electron and a much larger size:

And what would happen if a proton and an electron combine? The electron, which is equivalent to a gamma photon (of a specific wavelength) adds one more loop to the even-numbered loops in a proton. When I bend a helix with an even number of turns, the spherical structure doesn’t look too different externally, but we know it behaves in a markedly different way, as this structure is a hydrogen radical. As a hydrogen radical doesn’t have a twist/charge, it can bind to pretty much any molecule, being incorporated into the structure.

So, let’s take an example of a hydrogen molecule, with zero charge. What does that look like? Now we get back to the almost forgotten H2 orbital, that I haven’t shown in a while.

So, in the above structure, the loops aren’t exactly made of bent strings of dots, but rather of interconnected gamma photons, that loop into the hydrogen molecule. And what makes the hydrogen molecule different from the hydrogen radical, the proton and the electron? It’s firstly the zero charge, that allows the formation of the twisted donut structure. But why isn’t hydrogen radical a donut? Well, to be frank, I can’t be 100 % certain it isn’t. I’ll have to think about which option is more probable: the donut one, or the spherical one. For some reason my intuition says that the spherical option is more likely, but exactly why this is, I couldn’t say.

This means that I’ll have to draw the above scheme using circular arcs of the ‘telephone cord’ strings to portray the hydrogen molecule. The rather obvious question arises from the introduction of the cylindrical helix molecules: how can such non-spherical entities behave like spheres in practical physical and chemical phenomena? The answer is our old friend, the supramolecular shell. Exactly because the molecules don’t behave like spheres, they tend to rather string together into linear, but somewhat flexible ‘rods’. These rods of molecules have their loops fused, so that the neighboring molecules share orbitals (and elementary particles, or dots)

The next question is, how can a straight rod bend into a supramolecular orbital? Here we get to the magic of the thing. If the supramolecular loop loses an electron, or a gamma photon loop, this introduces a positive twist to the entire supramolecular shell. This twisting allows the rods to be folded into ever-smaller loops. The smallest diameter for a stable hydrogen loop is the Lyman limit, or 91.2 nm. As far as I understand it, you can split a supramolecular shell of hydrogen into even smaller loops, but this requires a lot of pressure. Thus, the added energy put into a pressure vessel splits the smallest stable supramolecular shell of hydrogen into smaller loops. But this isn’t just a small decrease in size. This time we have the supramolecular shell split into two Waterman clusters of 19 smaller supramolecular shells. And these smaller supramolecular shells can only exist inside the large stable supramolecular shell. Any release of pressure causes these trapped split shells to fuse back into their stable state, releasing energy, usually in the form of heat, or the added speed of rotation of the stable shell.

This instability of hydrogen under pressure is exactly the reason why the transition into a hydrogen economy requires quite a bit of work. It’s not impossible, but still quite hard.

Then there’s the small elephant in the room. Or possibly the large elephant. If the double-helical sphere is what describes the electron and the proton, wouldn’t this structure be a more logical one for the supramolecular shell, instead of the double sphere? The answer appears indeed to be yes. The double spherical orbital appears only to be valid for the hydrogen molecule. When these molecules join into rods that fold into supramolecular shells, their folding must follow the logic of the double-helical sphere.

So, this solves the problem of the wave function. Why can everything be described as if it was a single fuzzy particle that also acts as a wave? Because it always is a ‘fuzzy’ ball, regardless of the scale and the ball moves in a helical path, which when observed from the side looks like a wave. You can always simplify quantum states to wave-particle dualities. What you can’t do is to make assumptions that the fuzziness is somehow a fundamental state ‘beneath the hood’ of the quantum state.

Rather, we can split the supramolecular shell of hydrogen into its components, from smallest to largest.

1. The smallest scale are the elementary particles, or dots, that are of the scale of Planck length. They are spherical and always move at the speed of light and are generally (or always) present as curved strings. As the dots are confined by their neighboring dots, they always move perpendicular to the tangent. This is a mathematical way of saying that the string vibrates, but never back and forth. In light the movement is helical progression, where the helical path is determined by the refractive index of the medium in which it travels. In matter, the string sometimes travels as a rather curious circular wave, more or less defined by the wave equation, but because the surface of the sphere isn’t flat, the wave equation cannot be an accurate representation of the movement (and by the way, this is the reason why I don’t want to touch it, because it is not deterministic and cannot be the most accurate truth).

2. In molecules, the string again moves in a helical path, but this time as a curving double helix. The hydrogen molecule is comprised of four loops. These molecules form elongated rods, unless a twist is introduced, when an electron is taken out. The twist will not be within a single hydrogen molecule, but rather spread throughout the loop. In the end, the hydrogen molecules form an identical sphere of strings as a single electron or a proton, but this time with the sting being a ‘telephone’ cord of interconnected gamma photons.

3. This sphere, or supramolecular shell behaves identically to a single hydrogen radical but is immensely larger and way less reactive. As a matter of fact, hydrogen gas will only react with the oxygen in air when the temperature reaches 584.85°C, if there are no other sources of ignition. This is a strong indication of how stable a structure the supramolecular shell is.

4. I could try to wax lyrical about structures larger than the standard supramolecular shell of 91.2 nm, but I won’t. Not necessarily because I think there is nothing beyond this scale, but simply because I haven’t thought about scales larger than 91.2 nm in sufficient detail. Perhaps once I have, I might have something interesting to say.

Now that I have the intuitive idea that the removal of electrons causes the folding of the otherwise straight rods of Van der Waals bonded hydrogen molecules, I have to follow the logic and see whether I can use mathematics to explain the phenomenon. Again, I have a feeling that some errors in my logic will be revealed and I will once more learn new things.

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