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  • Writer's pictureKalle Lintinen

The Photochemistry of Hydrogen

Now that I’ve started with speculative posts, I’ll continue with them. I’ll again start with a disclaimer that what I am about to say has nothing to do with our LignoSphere products and whether I am right or wrong has no influence on our company or our products.

And additional point is that to show the theoretical possibility of the supramolecular orbital and a way to show evidence of its existence, I had to put a square peg into a round hole and have caused a bit of confusion. You see, in the main text of the preprint I talk about the photoelectric effect and in the supplementary information I talk about the properties of water.

So, today I’ll talk about the photochemistry of hydrogen. I could say that I have some knowledge on photochemistry, having done my PhD on the topic under the supervision of Helge Lemmetyinen, who among other accolades was the recipient of the 2010 Millennium Distinction Award.

This time I’m not going to talk about how hydrogen is generated with photochemical reactions. What I am saying is that absorption and emission of light by hydrogen is a photochemical process. The only distinction is that the process converts one supramolecular orbital of hydrogen to another.

While at first, this sounds like an outlandish idea, it’s actually very simple. It has been known for ages that when current is passed onto hydrogen gas, the gas emits very specific wavelengths of this light.

The equation describing this is the Rydberg formula:


Z is the atomic number,

n′ is the principal quantum number of the lower energy level,

n is the principal quantum number of the upper energy level, and

R∞ is the Rydberg constant.

If all of this sounds confusing, you would not be the only one. You see, I think the formula has been badly misunderstood. Or more specifically, someone has come up with a story around mathematics that makes sense if you have a mathematical mind. However, what I think is that the formula needs to be rewritten.

If we consider the phenomenon of the generation of quanta of light to involve spherical supramolecular orbitals, we can multiply everything in the Rydberg formula with πλ² (the area of a sphere with a diameter of λ) we get


The left side describes the spherical surface before the emission of light and the right side both the spherical surfaces after the emission of light and the ring of light.

We can use a specific case as an example, such as n’ = 2, n= 3 in the Balmer series.

The above is still in the stage of a thought experiment and should not be considered ‘full truth’. However, just simple geometrical analysis of the picture is quite interesting. The scheme is the case of emission, not absorption, but in absorption the process should be quite the same, but just in reverse. In the laboratory this effect is achieved by passing an electrical current into hydrogen gas at low pressure.

We assume that the left side of the scheme is the real size of (some of) the supramolecular orbitals of hydrogen before excitation with current.

As the area of a sphere is πλ², where λ is its diameter, the area of the left array is

When excited with a current, the 9 spheres fuse into a spherical crust with its surface area still being πλ².

Next, the large sphere splits into an array on the right, releasing a quantum of light. The area of the right array is

And voilà, we have hydrogen emitting a quantum of light in the shape of a ring! Verifying whether this is true or not would require a bit of work, but the concept is much more intuitive and commonsensical than anything presented before.

Of course, I might be completely mistaken, but this is the only explanation of the phenomenon where light could be a physical object, not some abstract package of light

I have a feeling that I’m bound to have mangled something in this presentation, so I might need to update the post, but I do like its simplicity.

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