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  • Writer's pictureKalle Lintinen

The Hypothesis of the Temperature Forcefield

In my last post, I asked a lot of questions and was quite confused in the end. However, these questions led me to form a hypothesis of a rather peculiar forcefield, which is responsible for a lot of the properties of matter. This relates to the question of black body radiation and what it is physically.

I had already been convinced of the idea that the peak emission of black body radiation related to the size of the cluster of supramolecular shells, but up to now I really didn’t have a good idea what was really happening in this radiation. After thinking long and hard about the strumming of the supramolecular loops when supramolecular shells are grinding against each other, I realized that I need to look at the role of light, or more specifically supraphotons, in the process. Not being able to visualize this in my head, I went to blender and fitted a ring around the ‘standard’ Waterman cluster of supramolecular shells, that I’ve shown many times before. As soon as I did this, I had an instant eureka moment! The supraphoton of light is not present all over the supramolecular cluster, but acts as a belt, keeping the aligned supramolecular shells (colored blue and yellow) in place. Rather curiously, it appears that the misaligned supramolecular shells are kept in place by geometrical constraints, combined with relativistic movement (the movement of the galaxy etc. in a common frame of reference).

From the scheme above one observed that the (red) ring of light is smaller than the largest diameter of the cluster, as the shape of the cluster causes there to be a groove in the middle. Next, it’s crucial to understand that the ring isn’t stationary. Just like regular light, it moves at the speed of light (apologies for the repeating term). However, unlike ‘regular’ light, the ring is confined by the groove, so there is an interplay between the collision between the two edges of the groove and the rotation of the ring. According to the conservation of momentum, this ring has to be in equilibrium with the strings of the supramolecular shell it is contact with. While the supramolecular shells rotate at a relatively slow speed, determined by their kinetic energy, which is related to the square root of their temperature (in Kelvin), the supraphoton moves at an incredibly faster speed. What the interplay between these rather slowly rotating spheres and the supraphoton is, is unclear to me, but it is bound to be hugely important.

Not going into the details of this interaction, we can still ask the question of what black body radiation is. Intuitively, the most logical explanation is that the interplay of supraphoton with supramolecular shells releases electrons off the shells, which in turn fuse with the supraphoton, gradually increasing its circumference and diameter. After the supraphoton has grown larger than the largest diameter of the cluster, it can escape the cluster, freeing the supramolecular shell from its bind. However, as the shell in the cluster are not only confined by the supraphoton, but also by the surrounding supramolecular clusters, whose supraphoton hasn’t pried loose, this keeps the clusters more or less in place until a new supraphoton is formed around the cluster.

But this raises a million-dollar question: where does the new supraphoton come from? My educated hunch is that there is a supraphoton around individual supramolecular shells as well, that can similarly be released, or fused together into a supraphoton that binds the cluster.

You might be thinking that this sounds like a perpetual motion machine. The electrons that feed this process must at some point stop and the clusters must eventually increase in size, as there are no more supraphotons keeping them together. This notion has a name, the heat death of the universe. The reason why life can be sustained on earth is that we are flooded by an immense quantity of (supra)photons, that keep the surface of the Earth from cooling down.

In a very literal sense, we are being kept at a relatively constant disequilibrium by sunlight. However, as the Earth rotates, the limits of this disequilibrium range a decent amount. However, by the standards of the universe, we are being kept quite stable. Here in Finland the lowest recorded temperature has been around -52 °C and the hottest around 37 °C. While this sound quite a lot, neither of these temperatures are very cold (compared to absolute zero), or very hot (compared to over ten trillion degrees for a quasar, or even 5778 K for the surface of the sun).

So, now we have a good idea of the basic unit of light-matter interaction. A supramolecular cluster bound by a supraphoton that is constantly being released and requires regeneration. Next, I’ll try to figure out whether I’m able to figure out the interaction of this supraphoton with the supramolecular cluster. This sounds like a solvable challenge, but it might take some time.

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