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  • Writer's pictureKalle Lintinen

The Helical Hydrogen

In my last post I dropped the bombshell that my orbital for the hydrogen molecule had to be corrected. In it, I lamented that I had slight problems with Blender in showing the structure in all its glory, as the program was constantly freezing.

Well, after some hours of learning new tricks, such as using geometry nodes, I was able to split each orbital into four helical curves: four curves for the four turns of the helix. Without getting over-complicated, I made four copies of the helical curve and used a geometry node tool in Blender to cut the ‘unwanted’ curves from the orbital. This way I could give each curve its own color. I also added cones to depict the direction of movement of the dots in each curve. After this I was able to align several of these orbitals together into a linear array, where the four different colors of curves are only connected to the curves of the same color in the neighboring orbital. Like this:

And here is the same array viewed from the side, clearly showing the four-petal shape of each orbital:

This shape might not yet be clear to you, my dear reader, but for me all the complications of the original shape just melt away. As I mentioned in my previous post, it’s still possible that the original shape is still valid in some cases. However, the more complicated original shape must be removed from the Theory of Everything -manuscript, as it doesn’t follow the simple logic of the helical orbitals.

I think I can’t emphasize enough how important this last turn of events is for the credibility of the theory. Over a year ago I lamented on my inability to figure out the mathematics of a 3D double wave. With this latest revelation I now know each component of this wave. Given enough time, I should be able to combine the different scales and plot this structure dot by dot, but for now I’m happy to say that the mathematics are ready for this.

Depending on how fast I can write and correct the images for the manuscript, I might have a bit of a pause in my posts. But then again, if I figure out something new, I’ll be sure to keep you informed.

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