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  • Writer's pictureKalle Lintinen

The Fifth Fundamental Interaction

In today’s post I decided to talk about the fifth fundamental interaction. The only problem is that I’m not a hundred percent sure whether the phrase is correct. Or more specifically I don’t doubt that the fifth fundamental interaction is fundamental. It’s just that I’m not that convinced that the four other fundamental interactions are that fundamental.


As I’ve mentioned before in the post “The Force of Deceleration”, the refractive deceleration of the elementary particle of energy (dot) leads to a force. This force is F = ma, or the mass of the dot times the relative deceleration of the dot. While the dot moves constantly at the speed of light, refraction causes the dot to ‘fall into orbit’.


However, what happens if you extend this analogy into immense speeds? What if you shoot the cannonball at the speed of light? Well, the cannonball will continue in a straight line unless it hits something.


If we speed through quite a few intermediary steps, what happens if the cannon shoots cannonballs in rapid-fire succession, so that there is no space between them? Any impact will cause the string of cannonballs to spread out into a helix. And just as long as the medium in which this string moves allows (assuming a near-perfect vacuum), this helix will spread into a circle, where all of the cannonballs move in a single plane. While this isn’t necessarily intuitive at first, one has to consider that the cannonball in the front will collide with anything in front of the helix first. This means that the first cannonball slows down before the subsequent cannonballs.


But if there really is a perfect vacuum, with no matter whatsoever, then the only refraction experienced by this string of dots is the collision of other strings of dots. If we consider that even these collisions will lead to refraction, we can consider that the relative deceleration (the change in direction) in these collision is sufficient to cause these strings to refract, until, like the mythical snake Ouroboros, it will eat its tail. However, there is no reason why the Ouroboros cannot swallow its tail until the tail has reached its mouth the second time. At this point, we switch analogies and call it a Möbius strip. At this point, we can’t think of head on collisions anymore. Now, we must consider these strings of helices to be in a side collision. The relative deceleration caused by second Möbius strip wrapped around the first Möbius strip at a constant 90-degree angle causes the cannonball to “fall down”. But as this falling down is due to deceleration, the limit of the radius of the orbital is set by the decelerative force.


As you might detect from the analogy, the fifth fundamental interaction is closest to gravity. However, it really isn’t the same thing. Pardon the pun, but it’s more fundamental than gravity. If there was a case where gravity and refractive deceleration were contradictory, it would be gravity that would have to yield and refractive deceleration take precedence. Whether such a case exists, I don’t even know.


How about the three other fundamental interactions? Electromagnetism must be the interaction of light with matter, but curiously I don’t know too much about the mechanism relating to refraction. Weak and strong force must be the emergent forces relating to geometrical constraints. Here, the forces emerge from the refractive deceleration in the knots of the particles.


And what again is relative deceleration? The dots cannot truly be decelerated: they always move at the speed of light. So, the deceleration is only relative to its current vector of movement. If the angle of refraction is φ, then I guess decelerative force experience by a single dot is:

 where F is the decelerative force, m is the mass of a dot, c the speed of light, sin φ the refractive component of the movement of the dots and t is the time it takes for a dot to orbit the particle. I’ve talked about all the other units before, but t is something I realized has to exist only while writing this post. This might actually be a very important unit.


I’ll probably have to include this into the discussion into the revision of the Theory of Everything -manuscript. I guess, this is what the reviewers were expecting.


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