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  • Writer's pictureKalle Lintinen

Steric Refraction is Quantum Gravity!

Today’s post is a bit of a bombshell! I just realized that steric refraction is theory of quantum gravity. I was watching a nice BBC documentary about the Moon, and it talked about the gravitational effect the Moon has on the Earth and especially on the tides. And as I watched, I was thinking how my theory of steric refraction fits to gravity, and it hit me: steric refraction is nothing but gravity!


This might not be immediately obvious to you. It wasn’t even fully obvious to me before I thought about the phenomena. You see, in steric refraction the loops of strings of neighboring molecules knot together. The knotted molecules aren’t exactly bound, but their physical impact on neighboring molecules forces them to be refracted from a linear trajectory. That is, the mass of the neighboring molecules causes the molecule to orbit a center point. But unlike in the solar system, the orbit is jam-packed with equally sized molecules.


So, the knots cause gravity. The next thing you might ask is “why quantum gravity?”, why not just gravity? Well, the short answer is that up until now, I’ve mainly been talking about quantum effects, such as the interaction with light and molecules and the generation of electrons and protons in the interactions. I really haven’t talked about gravity at all. But it is important to note that prior to steric refraction, I did not have a good grasp of what kept molecules together. Or, more importantly, for about half a year or more I had the idea that there was a supramolecular bond that was almost identical to the molecular bond. This simplification wasn’t fully wrong, but it really wasn’t very compatible with any notion of gravity.


The next question is: “what is gravity”? Wikipedia says:

General relativity models gravity as curvature of spacetime

What steric refraction says is that the curvature of space comes from the knotted molecules ‘attempting’ to move in a straight line but are unable to do so because of them being restrained by their neighbor.  This isn’t yet a very satisfactory answer, but offers a concrete link from the quantum scale to the macroscopic and astronomical scale.


These are still early days. It’s highly likely that I’m still incorrect in some major way. But with this knowledge of the knotting of molecules, most problems should become solvable. Not necessarily very soon, but eventually.


And to not keep this post purely philosophical, I present my first attempt to depict a saint Hannes knot with dots:

The individual dots are way too large for the illustration to be pleasing. Almost by accident, just toying around with the helical arcs, I ended up making the shape with the ratio of the radius of the orbital to the radius of the dot being 10:1. This ratio causes the shape to appear unsymmetrical. However, the general shape is correct, with two knots: one inside the orbital and one outside the orbital. The image has almost no connection to the rest of this post, but at least it’s a cool picture of a particle generally related to the topic.

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