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  • Writer's pictureKalle Lintinen

Saint Hannes Orbital

I’ve been trying to finalize my revision of the Theory of Everything -manuscript, but it seems to be taking quite a bit of time. Apparently, it’s because mathematics is a trade for perfectionists. In almost anything else, you can be quite right and people can just assume your leap of faith is warranted. But in mathematics there’s this “Then a miracle occurs” problem, where you just can’t handwave things off, hoping that no one notices.

This handwaving problem comes from converting the saint Hannes knot made of two closely entangled strings of dots, like this: 

into structurally identical shape, but where the two helices are converted into four helices, where each of the four orbitals have a unique color scheme. Like this image from one of my older posts:

The problem was that when I tried to fit the above shape into a proper mathematical framework, it didn’t fit. I already have a decent idea why, but I can’t explain it simply.

To show a saint Hannes orbital, with only the dots moving along the same orbital, I realized that I shouldn’t split the original two helices into four. For a passing instance I thought that there would be just one helix, but ended realizing that two helices make the most sense.


So here is what the saint Hannes knot looks like when it’s converted into half of a saint Hannes orbital:

Half of the blue dots push the blue dot next to them and half push a yellow dot in front of them (but not shown in the above video).


Again, this might look like an insignificant change to the old model. However, if one wishes to be accurate, no miracles are allowed in mathematics.

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