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  • Writer's pictureKalle Lintinen

One Turn = Hydrogen, Two Turns = Proton

Today I present the promised model of an electron but visualized with four times larger elementary particles of energy (dots). In it one can clearly see the similarity of the model with the model that depicts a hydrogen atom. As I’ve mentioned before, the model also depicts the general shape of a proton as well.


The proton model: 

And the hydrogen model: 

And in this post, the comparison of a proton and a hydrogen atom is much more interesting. You see, the dots in a hydrogen atom turn by 360 degrees (one turn) before returning to the original state. However, in a proton, the refraction of the dots is increased (which is somehow linked with positive charge), causing the original helix with two turns to become a helix with a huge number of turns (although depicted with just three turns in the below video). This mysterious increase of helices is counteracted with an equal number of turns, but with an opposite twist, an opposite, negative, charge in an electron. While the proton as a whole has a huge number of helices, the odd thing is that the number of turns a single dot experience has only increased from one to two.


I’ll leave this idea again as a teaser. I’ll probably should think about the concept more, as it should be part of the core of the revised Theory of Everything -manuscript. I have a feeling that being able to describe the difference between a proton and a hydrogen atom will open the theory to the lay person. So, expect me to post more on this in the near future.

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