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  • Writer's pictureKalle Lintinen

On the Curving and Arcing of Orbitals

In my last post I showed that the double-helical orbital of the hydrogen molecule consists of pairs of elementary particles (or dots) arranged in a manner where the helical path of the dots isn’t no longer along the original turns, but rather as the path of the Möbius donut. Remember in the post “The Electron is a Knot” I introduced the one following the equations:

Giving the curve:

But of course, here the radius of the helical circle in this equation is 1, and the radius of helical twist is 0.2. Both of these values were picked arbitrarily.

The funny thing is, I don’t think any longer that the equations describe the electron. Rather, I think they describe a part of the hydrogen molecule. But not the arrangement of the whole string. Rather, they describe the movement of the elementary particle in a helical circular path. But here the important thing to not is that the elementary particles no longer are connected to the elementary particle directly in front. Rather, the elementary particles of the neighboring orbital separate the elementary particles of the same orbital from each other. Like this from my last post:

What this means is that there are two independent orbitals occupying a toroidal volume, where the radius of the inner tube equals the diameter of an elementary particle. Below I show an illustration of just one orbital, with the diameter being sufficiently small that one can distinguish individual elementary particles. In real life, the elementary particles are so small that they could not be distinguished if one were to zoom out this far. From the image one can see three thin sections at 120 degree intervals, depicting the three turns of the orbital. The illustration is not at all perfect, as the line drawn through two adjacent elementary particles should always pass the origin of the circle (the Blender file doesn’t have an origin at this point, so it can be a bit confusing).

And how does the second orbital look like? Exactly the same, but rotated 180 degrees around the z axis (the above being an x-y projection). I don’t have the full orbital equivalent of the above at hand, but here’s a detail of how it looks like from last post’s example:

I can’t show the whole circle, as then one can’t really see the details anymore. But here you can see the shape forming an arc: something you couldn’t from the previous example.

So, what does this mean? It means that there are two identical, but rotated orbitals, locked in place. And if the old double-helical orbital has been split in half, it means that the number of turns in it must have been even, because you can’t split an odd number into two equal integers. So here you have it, with zero charge the elementary particle can move in an almost straight path, with only the twisting of the orbital causing it to arc.

But then we’re left with a million-dollar-question: how come is there a twist in the first place? Why don’t the elementary particles move in a straight line? The easy answer is that there must have been a first instance, that caused this twisting to take place. So, let’s just assume for now that the interaction of a huge concentration of light will produce matter just by the interaction with itself, as in the Breit-Wheeler process. In this transcript of a discussion with John Wheeler, you get an idea how hard it is to get the hang of the concepts.

I have a feeling I’ll have to take a stab at understanding the process without trying to understand too much about the approach that’s been used before.

And what about the twisting of a circular orbital into several circular arcs, making up the complex hydrogen molecule? This is something I’ll have to mull over next. It might be that my next post will be the solution for that, but then again I might discover something else before that.

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