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  • Writer's pictureKalle Lintinen

A Tough Knot to Crack

Pardon the pun with today’s post. It’s been quite a few days since my last post, where I talked about the importance of angular velocity for the movement of the elementary particles of energy (dots). I introduced some concepts in the post, but ended up saying that I feel like I’m stuck in a real-life Zeno’s paradox. That is, I was getting closer to the truth, but each step seemed to be half as long as the previous one.


However, inspired by the concept of viewing the movement of dots by their speed, I realized I had to think the structure of the Higgs particle from a completely different perspective.


I think if I spell the logic of the movement of the dots as I see them, it might confuse you, because it requires quite a bit of understanding of the background of the theory, as well as a solid grasp of trigonometry. However, I’ll explain my logic anyhow.


A pair of dots rotate around their common axis with an angle of φ. At the same time the dots rotate around the center of the Higgs helix with an angle of 2φ. This means that after a rotation of π around the common axis of the pair, the dots have already rotated by 2π around the Higgs particle (see the old image below).

Both of these rotations are orthogonal both to the linear speed of the dot and to each other. With small angle approximation, this speed components are

 and ,

being orthogonal to each other, the sum of these two vectors is

. Thus, the average linear speed of the dots must be

. However, if the dots are entangled, their angular velocity must be the same, which means that the linear speed of the inner dot must be  

and the outer dot must be

, where  

is the angle to which the dot has moved.

This means that for the outer dot the speed of primary rotation is

 and the speed of the secondary rotation is

 and their sum is

, meaning that the sum of the linear speed and the sum of the rotational components is c.


And at this point I’ll stop explaining the theory and backtrack to the image of the Higgs helix. You see, if explained this way, there is absolutely no reason why the Higgs helix retains its shape. By all logic the helix should at least be stretched into a circle, where the curvature of the shape is smaller, meaning the refraction should be smaller as well.


It seems the only way for the Higgs helix to maintain its shape is there to be a knot. I had been toying with the idea of the Higgs helix knotting, but I had never been able to replicate a properly knotted shape. However, when I introduced a helix with two turns, but with a much smaller radius than the original and an opposite twist (clockwise instead of counterclockwise). I could get the shape to knot.


The below shape is very preliminary, but it already conveys the concept.

I still need to add the mathematics of the knot into the equations, but this should be pretty easy.


But once I have the knot added, this makes the theory much more convincing. You see, there’s even a Big Bang Theory episode on it.


I think I’ll leave this as a teaser for you. Suddenly I don’t think I’m in Zeno’s paradox any longer. I might not  have the absolutely full mathematical solution for the behavior of dots, but I think this is good enough to turn into a manuscript, which I’ll call The Knot Manuscript, at least for now. Hopefully I’ll solve many of the open questions while writing it. While introducing a knot to the structure already presented in my initial Theory of Everything -manuscript seems like a trivial thing, it’s the sort of smoking gun that might just be the thing that convinces people that the theory makes more sense than anything before it.


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