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  • Writer's pictureKalle Lintinen

Making the Pi Bigger

I could have waited for a while to write my next post on my quest to explain the Theory of Everything with reflections of elementary particles of energy (dots), but I decided to write what I’ve discovered thus far.


In my last post I talked about the turn-by-turn reflection of dots offering a physical explanation of keeping them in stable orbits in particles of matter. I was rather open in saying that my theory (or hypothesis) was quite unclear at the moment, but that I was confident I would gain more clarity with more time spent on it.


This week I think I have solved one half of the problem. That is, how can dots of neighboring helices revolve around a common center with constant incremental angles, if half of the time the dots are not being reflected inwards.


I alluded to the answer in my last post, but was probably too unclear, even for myself. However, in the image below there is a schematic image of what is taking place in the revolution of the dots (counterclockwise for some reason). In image a) you see the initial state where the dots seem to touch. While intuitively one could imagine this “touching” would cause reflection. However my current hypothesis is that the dots don’t touch at all, but rather, they fly past each other, with a straight tangential flight path, as shown in image b). Only at the midway point do the dots hit the other dots of its own helix, which introduces a reflective component to this motion that causes the two neighboring dots to approach each other, as shown in image c).


This means that if the angle of change from the initial state at a) to the point of reflection is φ, then the dot-to-dot distance increases from 2r to 2r/cosφ and back to 2r.

And this is what it looks like with a) to c) combined to a single image:

As the title indicates, I’m calling this “Making the Pi Bigger”. This is an allusion to the fact that there is no way to make sense of the Theory of Everything, assuming that the orbital of dots has a path of 2rπ rather, with reflection, the path has to be just a bit longer, because the path cannot be split into infinitely large segments, with the angle of increment from one dot to another being zero. Rather, because the angle of increment is non-zero, one has to have a larger multiplier for the path. And thus, our play on words becomes very apt. The green circle cut to segments (or sectors) could be equated to a pie, like in this Veritasium video. However, these segments aren’t actually sectors, but true triangles.


This might negate my hypothesis of the turn-by-turn reflection. Based on this idea, you could just be reflecting dots within a single helix, with no input from the neighboring helix in the equilibrium state.


I was so hoping that I would figure out the other half of the problem. That is, the trickier half that would show that the reflections that allow this sort of revolution. I’ll be thinking hard about the problem and post everything I find out…






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