In today’s post I’ve either made the last discovery required to finalize the core of the Theory of Everything based on the reflection of elementary particles of energy (kaus/dots), or I’ve made an error, which I need to correct in my future posts.
This discovery relates to realizing that the shape of the Perfect Pétanque post can be drawn in four ‘mirror images’, or chiralities. If we hold it constant that the unit sphere has a vertical hinge that opens upwards, then it is possible that the horizontal hinge opens either to the left or to the right. Also, it is possible for the kaus to fly from one hinge torus to another from right to left, or left to right, if we consider the vertical hinge, or the up-down-equivalent considering the horizontal hinge. So, in short, we get four mirror options: left-left, left-right, right-right and right-left. And this is a very rough sketch of how to draw these and stack them together:
As I tend to always warn, this is a completely new idea, and I haven’t really had the time to check whether it has holes. If the idea is sound, the above caterpillar comprises of three rather unique zones of reflection. At the bottom the kaus remain in the inner hinge and are reflected with very shallow angles. At the top the kaus remain in the outer hinge and are reflected with a much larger angle. However, on both sides, the kaus are reflected in a rather more complex manner that I’m still struggling to understand myself.
But don’t take this as the final truth. This new idea doesn’t have near the mathematical precision for me to make any pronouncements about its validity. It almost seems more probable that there are at least a few holes left. I’ve almost never gotten an idea that was fully correct from the get-go.